SRHS Weekly Updates as of 12-8-24

SRHS Weekly Updates as of 12-8-24
Posted on 12/09/2024

Dear Falcon Families,

It’s already December and the countdown to our next break has begun! Congrats to the SRHS marching band for their performance at state finals during Thanksgiving break. They finished 8th out of 54 groups and percussion finished 2nd overall. The score of 89.3 is the second highest in school history! Fall athletics and CIF championships are over, but winter sports are well underway. Be sure to check out for schedules, scores, and photos. We hope to see you at a game, meet, or match, cheering on our awesome Falcons!  

Come join the SRHS Foundation’s FALCONnections this Tuesday, December 9, at the Scripps Ranch Library. The meeting will feature a talk entitled Stress Management and Building Resilience in Your Teen. Please see below for more information. 

This week we received the purchased Gerardy Photo packages. The packages were distributed during your students’ advisory class on Wednesday and/or Thursday, December 4th and 5th. Parents of seniors, please remind your seniors that the Senior Yearbook QUOTE is due by Friday, December 20th (11:59pm). Students should use the link on their Class of 2025 Google Classroom or check Instagram or the poster outside of 501, to submit their quote. 

We have two weeks left in this semester, one of which is our week of finals. Teachers are required to enter grades at 9am on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025. Please remind your students to communicate with their teachers regarding missing and make-up work, as well as tutoring times and ways they can finish the semester strong. If a student has a planned absence during finals week, they must communicate with their teachers to make arrangements to take their finals. Please encourage your students to reach out to their teachers as soon as possible. There are two more SR6 (Saturday School) opportunities left in this semester, available for students who want to get a tardy or absence excused, and for those who want more support in a class. Students should also check their grade level Google Classroom for updates and stay connected with the ASB Instagram page for event details and upcoming deadlines. 

In this week’s announcements, please check out details and reminders about Tuesday night’s FALCONnections, Gerardy student photo distribution, an upcoming Bilingual College Fair, and more.  

See below for the latest updates as of 12-8-24.

Upcoming Calendar Events for December - February

  • Monday 12/9 Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Saturday 12/14 SR6 Session on campus 8-12pm

  • Monday 12/16 - Thursday 12/19 Final Exams (full school days with block schedule) 

  • Friday 12/20 Regular Schedule - End of Semester 1

  • Monday 12/23 - Monday 1/6 No School Winter Break

  • Tuesday 1/7 First day of semester two

  • Monday 1/13 Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Monday 1/20 - No school, Martin Luther King Day

  • Saturday 1/25 SR6 Session on campus 8-12pm

  • Monday 1/27 Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Monday 2/3 Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Monday 2/10 Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Thursday 2/13 First Grading Period of Semester 2 Ends

  • Friday 2/14 - Monday 2/17 No School, President’s Day 

  • Monday 2/24 Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

Modified Monday

As a reminder, every Monday is a modified Monday with school ending at 2:29pm. During the 2:29 - 3:23pm time window, teachers will be either (1) offering revision/reassessments for students or (2) will be meeting with their fellow colleagues to collaborate on instructional practices. Those teachers who are offering revision/reassessment opportunities will have communicated with their students. We encourage all students who have scheduled revision/reassessment opportunities to take advantage of this time to hone their learning.

Counseling Updates

Senior Parents: Please click here to see information emailed to your student this week regarding Transcript Requests (Initial, Midyear & Final). Transcripts for college applications with due dates Dec 15th-Jan 10th must be requested now, if not already done!!! The due date was December 2nd.

Freshman Parents: Counselors met with current freshmen one on one last week. Please speak with your student regarding their conversation w/their counselor about their course selection and any changes your student may have made during their meeting. If your student still wants to make a change, it is encouraged they complete the course request change form by this Wednesday, December 11th. The form is in the counseling office.

SRHS Needs Assessment and Budget Priorities

In preparation for our 2025-26 budget development, we are requesting your input regarding the needs of our site that will help inform future budgeting conversations and decision-making processes. The site will use information from this needs assessment to develop budgets and strategies for the 2025-26 school year. All surveys received will be reviewed by the site. The School Site Council will review priorities to determine the final distribution of LCFF funds. 

Your time and input are appreciated as we consider our budgeting needs for the 2025-26 school year. Please complete this form by Tuesday, December 17th.


Shared on behalf of the SRHS Foundation: The next FALCONnections event will be held tomorrow, on December 9th, from 6-7pm at the Scripps Ranch Library and will feature a talk entitled Stress Management and Building Resilience in Your Teen.  All parents are welcome to attend.  If you have ideas for FALCONnections or have any questions, please contact us at  We hope to see you tomorrow, December 9th!  Please visit this link for details. 

Universal Form - Reminder

Beginning this year, parents/guardians can complete or update the 2024-25 Universal Form online. This new form has been added to the other forms in the Parent Portal and allows parents/guardians to submit Photo/Video/Media Release information, Technology/Network Acceptable Use information, and acknowledge the Restorative Discipline Plan and Policy

Steps for completing the Universal Form

1.       Sign into your Parent Portal account.
2.       Click Forms.
3.       Select a language preference by selecting the gearbox in the upper right corner.
      and choose a preferred language.
4.       Click Universal Form.
5.       Complete the form, sign and submit.

*Please pay close attention to the options on box #2 – Photography/Video/Media Release.  Choosing the LAST option “I do not want my child’s name, photo or video published publicly” INCLUDES the school yearbook.

The Universal form should be completed in the Parent Portal by January 31, 2025. 

Bullying/Report a Concern Link

For instances of bullying or to report a concern, please use this Bullying Report Link; the link is also posted at the very bottom of our school website. You will then select “Report Bullying.” The very first question asks “Is your concern about the conduct of an employee?”  If the answer is yes, it will direct you to a different form. Prior to filing a report, we ask that you review the district’s best practices for resolving concerns, which starts at addressing the concern directly at the site level. Once reports are submitted they are received by the district’s Office of Investigations, Compliance & Accountability (ICA). A member of their team will reach out to you to confirm receipt and ask any pertinent questions. Ultimately the report will be directed to the site-level authority for resolution.

Facts for Parents Booklet - Reminder

Effective Friday, November 1, 2024, the annual 2024-25 Facts for Parents booklet and the 2024-25 Universal Form will be available in the parent portal. 

Facts for Parents is an annual publication containing updated information relevant to the families of San Diego Unified including rights and responsibilities as well as district, local, state, and federal policies that impact all students. Schools are required to provide the Facts for Parents booklet to all parents/guardians each year and to document that the parents/guardians have received it. The Parent Portal form provides schools with a way to track which parents/guardians have received Facts for Parents.  We ask parents to verify they have received the Facts for Parents by entering it in the Parent Portal.  

Steps for acknowledging receipt of the Facts for Parents.

1.       Login into to Power School
2.       Click Forms on the left
3.       Select a language preference by selecting the gearbox in the upper right corner  and choose a preferred language.
4.        Click Facts for Parents
5.       Complete the form: Download or view the Facts for Parents booklet. After viewing, come back to the screen and select Yes. Then sign your name and submit.

The Facts for Parent Survey should be completed in the Parent Portal by January 31, 2025.

SR6 - Remaining Dates for Semester 1

Our last SR6 session for semester one will be held Saturday 12/14 (with available support in theater and Spanish). Students can also choose to join the Garden Club in the garden with Mr. Johnson. SR6 (Scripps Ranch 6) is an academic support available to all students. It is a 6th day of school hosted on select Saturdays for four hours, 8am-12pm. SR6 will be hosted by a certificated teacher(s) who will provide instruction and support. A breakfast and lunch meal is available for all students attending SR6 at no charge. SR6 is also an avenue for students to recover their attendance (AZTWs in PowerSchool) to remain eligible for school events. Additional opportunities for academic support and attendance recovery are available as well and can be found on student’s Google Classroom. View Semester One SR6 Dates.   

Bilingual College Fair - SDUSD
In partnership with the Consulado General De Mexico en San Diego, SDUSD is hosting an HSI College Fair at the Logan Memorial Educational Center on Saturday, January 25, 2025 from 9:00 am-3:00 pm  The fair is open to all, and targeted to high school students and their families who are in the process of completing college applications, financial aid documents, and exploring colleges. See flyer.   

That’s all for today. I hope you have a great rest of your Sunday.




Matt Lawson, Ed.D


Scripps Ranch High School


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