SRHS Weekly Updates as of 10-13-24

SRHS Weekly Updates as of 10-13-24
Posted on 10/13/2024

Dear Falcon Families,

We hope everyone is settling into fall and enjoying all the fun activities our community has to offer. Fall sports are in full swing, and our Marching Band’s competition season is also taking off. Our Falcon Playhouse opens its production of “The Canterville Ghost” next week, and if you have littles (elementary aged children) at home, bring them opening night (10/24) in their Halloween costumes for a “trick or treat” with the cast! This past week we hosted our annual “What I Wish My Parents Knew” event with great success, and on Friday, our varsity football team and varsity cheerleaders invited their teachers on the field with them for Teacher Appreciation. 

This coming week, Scripps Ranch High School will take part in California’s “The Great CA Shake Out” Earthquake drill. Schools all over California will go through a full earthquake drill to be prepared for whatever emergency might happen. 

We are about half way through the second progress report grading period. Please encourage your student to talk to their teachers if they are struggling with a course. There are many helpful resources available to them on campus including tutoring, peer tutoring, SR6 Saturday Sessions, and more. 

This week's updates include the details for our ongoing Wednesday College Series, “The Great Shake Out” Earthquake Drill, as well as reminders about the SRHS Foundation pledge drive, the Scripps Ranch Schools Committee, and the San Diego Unified CHOICE application window opening; please see below for more information. 

As always, please remind your students to check their Google classroom for their grade level, and the ASB instagram page for events and deadlines. This is particularly important for seniors as there are lots of deadlines for applications and other things this year. Please visit the links above and check out the ASB Instagram page to help them stay on top of everything.

See below for the latest updates as of 10-13-24.

Upcoming Calendar Events for August, September and October

  • Monday 10/14 Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Thursday 10/17: Great CA Shakeout Drill 10:17am

  • Monday 10/21 Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Saturday 10/26 SR6 Session on campus 8-12pm (Sign-up here)

  • Monday 10/28 Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Friday 11/1 End of Second Grading Period

  • Thursday 11/7 Senior Class picture during advisory in the stadium

  • Friday 11/8 Guest Speaker: Melvin Adams

  • Monday 11/11 No School, Veteran’s Day

  • Monday 11/25-11/29 No School, Thanksgiving Break

  • Monday 12/2 Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Saturday 12/7 SR6 Session on campus 8-12pm

  • Monday 12/9 Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Saturday 12/14 SR6 Session on campus 8-12pm

  • Monday 12/16 Full School Day

  • Monday 12/16 - Thursday 12/19 Final Exams 

  • Friday 12/20 Regular Schedule - End of Semester 1

  • Monday 12/23 - Monday 1/6 No School Winter Break

Modified Monday

As a reminder, every Monday is a modified Monday with school ending at 2:29pm. During the 2:29 - 3:23pm time window, teachers will be either (1) offering revision/reassessments for students or (2) will be meeting with their fellow colleagues to collaborate on instructional practices. Those teachers who are offering revision/reassessment opportunities will have communicated with their students. We encourage all students who have scheduled revision/reassessment opportunities to take advantage of this time to hone their learning.

Counseling Updates

College Application Labs Have Started!

If students need help with their college applications or need finalized applications reviewed, encourage them to attend the College App Labs. Tuesdays after school (3:30 PM-4:15 PM) and Thursdays during lunch and the beginning of 6th period (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM) in room 405.

Discover CSUSM

Potential to get admitted to CSU San Marcos on the spot! Saturday, October 26th 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. Make sure to have your completed CSU application reviewed by an SRHS counselor to submit it by October 21st (early submission date required for this opportunity). Click here for more details

The Wednesday College Series

This week’s Wednesday College Series on Wednesday, October 16th will feature the following 28 colleges:  American University of Rome; Chapman University; George Washington University; High Point University; Lehigh University; Louisiana State University; Miami University, Oxford; Ohio; Ohio University; Oklahoma State University; Oregon State University; New York University; Seton Hall University; Syracuse University; TCU, Texas Christian University; Tulane University; University of Colorado, Colorado Springs; University of Connecticut; University of Delaware; University of Florida; University of Iowa; University of Massachusetts Amherst; University of Oklahoma; University of San Francisco; University of Tennessee; University of Utah; University of Wisconsin-Madison; Whitworth University; and Worcester Polytechnic Institute. 

The College Series takes place at lunch (12:55-1:25) in the library, and all students are welcome. Use this link to see the full schedule of colleges that will be in attendance. 

SR6 Saturday Sessions - Reminder

Our next SR6 session is scheduled for Saturday 10/26 with available support in the subjects of Spanish and English; sign up here. SR6 (Scripps Ranch 6) is an academic support available to all students. It is a 6th day of school hosted on select Saturdays for four hours, 8am-12pm. SR6 will be hosted by a certificated teacher(s) who will provide instruction and support. A breakfast and lunch meal is available for all students attending SR6 at no charge. All students have been invited to their “Class of” Google Classroom, where they can view the content areas of the teacher(s) scheduled for each session, and sign up. SR6 is also an avenue for students to recover their attendance (AZTWs in PowerSchool) to remain eligible for school events. Additional opportunities for academic support and attendance recovery can be found on student’s Google Classroom as well. View Semester One SR6 Dates. 

Great CA Shake Out

At 10:17 a.m. on Thursday October 17, our school will participate in the Great California ShakeOut. We will walk our students through the complete drill and evacuate. We have asked our students and staff to take the drill seriously and take advantage of having this time to practice going through the evacuation. You can find additional information on the Great California ShakeOut at  Drop, Cover and Hold On

A Message From The SRHS Foundation - Reminder

The SRHS Foundation is comprised of Falcon families dedicated to enhancing the educational experience at Scripps Ranch High School by providing financial and service support for academic and facilities programs that lack sufficient funding.

Our Pledge Drive is in full swing. These funds help pay for your kids' education, including science experiments, college/career series, school safety, academic materials, and so much more. Visit to contribute.

Scripps Ranch Schools Committee - Reminder

Interested in a specific topic or goal for the Scripps Ranch School Committee to tackle this school year? The Scripps Ranch Schools Committee has released a survey to gather community input regarding proposed topics or goals. This list will help us develop a set of priorities to drive our agenda for this school year. Participant feedback will be compiled and discussed at the October 16 Schools Committee meeting. The survey is open now and will close on Tuesday, October 15. Please take this opportunity to complete the survey and share your feedback so that our committee can help prioritize our community’s interests. We thank you for your participation.  

San Diego Unified CHOICE Application Window Now Open - from SDUSD - Reminder*

*Please note: Once a family is accepted into the CHOICE program, they do NOT need to reapply year after year. 

We are pleased to announce that the San Diego Unified CHOICE Application Priority Window is now open! From September 23rd to November 4th (applications for the 2025-2026 school year), families throughout San Diego County can explore a variety of unique schools, programs, and classes that cater to diverse interests and needs.

Whether your child is passionate about academics, the arts, or athletics, the CHOICE program allows families - both inside and outside the San Diego Unified School District - to apply for schools that best meet their needs. This is a wonderful opportunity to discover specialty and magnet schools that focus on the arts, STEAM, languages, and more. It also offers a chance to find a school that aligns with your family’s lifestyle, such as one closer to your workplace. 

During this application period, parents can select up to three schools. Lottery results will be sent via email in February 2025. We encourage you to share this information with anyone interested in specialized programs or seeking a better educational fit for their child. The San Diego Unified CHOICE Program truly opens doors to a wealth of educational possibilities. For more information and to apply, please visit or attend our Zoom Parent Choice Workshops on Wednesday, October 2 at 5:30 p.m. and Thursday, October 3 at 10:00 a.m. via

LCFF Parent Notification - Reminder

Each year, we request that our families complete the LCFF survey. To date, 76.9% of Falcon Families have submitted their LCFF survey. Thank you to those who have done so. If you have not submitted your survey, please login to PowerSchool Parent Portal as soon as possible to submit your survey. Instructions are below.

There are important reasons we ask for this information:

  • Some students get fee waivers/reductions for college applications and AP exams, and families may get lower-cost internet service.

  • SUN Bucks — (Summer–EBT) provides $40 per month per student for food for June, July, and August 2024 ($120 total). Cards will be issued in the fall.

It is critical we collect this data from every family to ensure our school receives all the state funding to which it is entitled. Parents need to only fill out the LCFF via one of the options below:

  • Option 1: In the next several weeks, the district will roll out a Survey Monkey link to the LCFF form. The link will be provided via email from [email protected]t via 

  • Option 2: Families will also have the option to complete this form in PowerSchool Parent Portal  (Click here to sign into PowerSchool Parent Portal). Families who submitted the LCFF form this past spring will not receive the email.

The LCFF online form is only available on the Parent Portal; it is not accessible on the student’s portal.

If you do not have access to the Parent Portal, please complete the: Scripps Ranch High School Parent Portal Access Request Form to receive an access ID and password for your student(s). 

That’s all for today. Enjoy the remainder of your Sunday!  




Matt Lawson, Ed.D


Scripps Ranch High School

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